Catholics of the Diocese of Dallas will soon be obligated to once again attend Sunday Mass in person. In March of last year Bishop Edward Burns waived the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation for health and safety reasons during the COVID-19 pandemic.
After consulting with his brother priests, and in light of the greatly improved conditions throughout the state and nation, Bishop Burns informed the clergy that the dispensation will be lifted in the Diocese of Dallas on November 28, 2021, the First Sunday of Advent.
Bishop Burns thanked parishioners and expressed happiness in making the announcement. “I’m forever grateful to the men, women and young people who worshiped from home or followed restrictions in our churches to stay safe and faithful through the very difficult challenges of the past year. It will be a joyful day to see our churches filled again especially as we enter the Advent season and prepare to observe the birth of Jesus.”
The televised Mass that is offered online and on local television stations (KDFI-Channel 27 and Univision Canal 23) will continue to be available for the homebound.