Faith Formation Office Hours:
Sunday: 9AM-12PM
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9AM -12PM | 1PM-3PM
Wednesday: 1PM-8PM
Friday-Saturday: Closed
Click here to View Class Calendars and Forms
For questions, please contact the Faith Formation office at 972-262-6590 or via email at
For information regarding RCIA, please email
2025-2026 Registration Opens January 25th, 2025!
Registration for the 2025-2026 Faith Formation Year will begin January 25th, 2025 and will close February 16th, 2025. Tuition must be paid in full at the time of registration submission.
Tuition Prices:
Eucharist Year I - $110 | Eucharist Year II - $150 (covers Eucharist Retreat Fee)
Confirmation Year I - $110 | Confirmation Year II - $190 (covers Confirmation Retreat Fee)
OCIA Year I - $110 | OCIA Year II - $200 (covers Retreat Fees)
Continuing Education (3rd-6th Grade) - $90
**Cash and Check payments are preferred. Credit Card payments will be taken but will incur an additional $5 fee.**
In-person registrations will take place following Sunday Masses on January 25th-26th and February 15th-16th. Completed registration forms may also be submitted to the parish office between Monday, January 27th- Friday, February 14th. Please see the general office times for more info.
You can download the registration form here: /documents/2025/1/Faith%20Formation%20Registration%20Form%202025-26.pdf
Please see the list below to identify where your youth fall within the program timeline:
1st Grade - Eucharist Year 1
2nd Grade - Eucharist Year 2 (Sacramental Reception)
3rd-6th Grade - Continuing Education
7th Grade - Confirmation 1
8th Grade - Confirmation 2 (Sacramental Reception)