Brothers and Sister in Christ, Father Jovita is spending his very last weekend celebrating Mass here at St. Michael the Archangel (June 17th—June 18th). Father has been reassigned to All Saints Catholic Church as their Parochial Vicar. We would like to give a warm send-off to Fr. Jovita as he has served our community with his whole heart and has given of himself freely to our entire community. Father has shared with us all his beautiful gifts of speaking God’s word at the homily—his words have made a big impact in our lives and he makes it so easy to relate to and trust in. Our children, youth and young adults have a special place in his heart and he has always worked to provide his time whenever possible to provide spiritual guidance, support and so much prayer. Father Jovita we love you very much and thank you for being selfless and giving to St. Michael and the entire Grand Prairie Community. Please take with you our prayers and our love. We are thankful to Our Lord for the time you spent with us and are blessed to know you will move forward to do God’s work at All Saints. You will be missed. - Fr. Joseph Trinh, Pastor