Looking for peace? Needing hope? Feeling God's love? Got life's questions? OCIA is here for you!. We are here to listen...Peace, Hope, Love awaits us through Faith. If you are interested to discover more about our Catholic faith please connect with us by signing up online or calling the parish office.
For questions, please contact Deacon Pete or Gary Garza via email rcia@stmichaelgptx.org.
Typically, someone considering Catholicism would enter into our OCIA process. OCIA stands for Order of Christian Initiation of Adults previously known as RCIA. Formation sessions generally run from September-May on Monday evenings from 7:00pm-9:00pm. We also have two spring retreats that we host, as well as various other rituals and gatherings (like Breaking Open the Word on Sunday Noon Mass).
REQUIREMENTS: Baptismal Certificate (if baptized) and Birth Certificate are required. Please have these ready and available before registering.
What is OCIA?
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) previously known as RCIA is the process established for the universal Church for individuals to become Catholic and receive the sacraments of initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. This initiation process also involves a parish community experiencing a renewal in faith as it prepares and welcomes new members into the Church. The Rite speaks of conversion as a "spiritual journey." Centered on fostering a deep relationship with Jesus and the Church he founded, this journey takes place through distinct stages over a period of time suitable to bring about a thorough catechesis, significant experience of the parish community, and commitment to the liturgical and moral life of the Catholic faithful. The OCIA process is a restoration of the ancient catechumenate, arising within the first three centuries following the era of the apostles. It was the early Church's way of Christianizing the pagan Roman Empire. The Second Vatican Council called for the restoration and use of this venerable and powerful method of initiation for the worldwide Church.
Inquiry: the initial period before you decide to enter the Catholic Church. You’re asking questions and checking it out, but aren’t yet ready to commit.
Catechumenate: those who decide to enter the Church and are being trained for a life in Christ are called catechumens, an ancient name from the early Church. In this stage, you’re developing your faith and are being “catechized” – learning catechism, or the basic points about Catholic faith and life.
Purification and preparation: The Church will help you focus and intensify your faith as you prepare you to commit your life to Christ and be received into the Church at Easter. If you’re following the OCIA process, you’ll go through a beautiful series of Gospel-based meditations during Lent, which is the time frame of this period.
Initiation itself, the culmination of the whole process! You’re received into the Church during the Easter Vigil Mass, where you’ll receive the sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. (If you’ve already been baptized, you won’t be baptized again.)
Mystagogy: after reception into the Church at Easter, this period lets you reflect and learn more about the mysteries of the Mass and the Sacraments that you now participate in fully.